More haters here than fans ngl
Which Skill Points to use for 109 Pirlo??
How to get my lineup to 110 overall?
La Liga team
This card is so overrated
Reached 110 as F2P IN JUST 22 DAYS !!!💯💯📢📢
Cheapest 105 (currently)
Why does this disappear?
pack luck?? bro how tf will I use him??
Is the LaLiga team good in scouting camp?
Stupid event…
Well damn, this from the new Extra time pack the 10k one.
topo answers
Ham Ganga ka right right bank and left bank kya consider karte hai?
Kesa gaya geo ka paper
Yayy icse has announced+4 for all those who attempted that ques of surface area
The LALIGA event starts this Thursday UTC
kill me now.
Got this in the 91-107 Laliga pack
I hate natural vegetation
ULTIMATE Pick TWO for Geography (FINALE)
Laliga based event (concept)
Comment your opinion