ITAP of a sunset in Tampa
Was a HC before blood moon
Plumber is telling me there is no way to make toilet sit flush with floor
Why the hell are 40 series graphics cards so damn expensive?
to not turn the White House into a teleshopping set
Is this worth it
Talk about a rare name.
New Building: The Legislature
Fuck Regicide and fuck the underground pass
My mum brought these bulb looking things back from a coast on the west of Scotland, no idea what it could be?
What PVM content can I do with these stats?
I just bought a coffee tick perfect.
Stormweaver Spark Archmage Sorc Giveaway
Oneshotted half the time, what am I doing wrong?
Updates to the new loot-filters plugin
Open Your Strongboxes I guess?
Kind of a meme build, but here's my stat stacking, cracked out, Siphoning Strike build on T4 Xesht.
Why does this game have no active defense skills?
Will a supernova g2 1000W be enough for a build with a 12600k and 5090?
Loot from 20k mining in Lumbridge! :)
Stupid shit like this with 0 counterplay makes this game unplayable sometimes
Stranded on a island a year til rescue. Which stack you going with?
"Converts all drops to gold" Shrine should be deleted
Help me not die in tier 15 maps