T3 +2 Area +Monster Rarity maps are the best for farming GG items, change my mind.
SSF 819% ED 1151 Damage Xbow
Am I Crazy to Leave a Job Who Wants me to Work On Call during Holidays?
Tell me you’ve played D2 for years without telling me you’ve played D2 for years…
An ideas on an estimated value? (SCL)
PSA: If the news regarding the elimination of TCP/IP bothers you, you can still cancel a pre-order very easily.
Price Check on this Kira's Guardian almost perfect slam/puzzle?
Comeon patch these hacks
Lower Resist & elemental damage on melee weapons Question
Diablo 1.09 Server
General Permit Transfer Thread
WCGW if I zip through traffic
Classic reset team
Looking for group to play D2 Classic - Mid 20's Sorc
Sent 2 transactions from Bitgrail (says confirmed) and Funds never Received.
Yep, nailed it..
That time when trash is stuck at the bottom of the can...
Facebook meets Thanksgiving