Let's hear your unpopular opinions regarding Gladiators!
Am I the only one that plays the old Elminator theme on a separate device, during the new version?
Do you miss the cheerleaders? Have you forgotten they are gone? Or is it noticeable?
It's been bugging me for a while who Legend reminds me of...
What was the origin behind Gladiators start time? A few ITV related questions.
Unpopular Opinion: Gladiators would be a lot better without all the pantomime.
The romance plot thickens… (title needed to be at least 40 characters)
The more successful Gladiators is - do you think we will see terrestrial cycled auctions for the rights like in sports?
Never seen Sabre this nervous before....
NO NEW EPISODE NEXT WEEK, and Phantom and Cyclone have something to say about it..... 😁
If someone told you a few years ago, Gladiators would return and pull big numbers - would you have believed them? Are you pleasantly surprised how well it's gone?
Gladiators Series 3 confirmed after reboot smashes TV ratings
OPG permanent Birmingham building
Does anyone else find it annoying when the gladiators re-use names?
Using Manual all in one tablets
Brad, You've Got To Stop This Next Series.... 4 DAYS LEFT!
TNA iMPACT and TNA in 60 are scheduled to air on SN360 in the new year. TNA is replacing WWE on the channel as WWE heads to Netflix.
This is just your reminder that Oblivion from the Sky series now runs WWE Smackdown and is a former NWA World Champion
What if WCW was revived in the Modern Day?
Looking for underrated Christmas movies
August '24 selfies: post hairline photos here for opinions on 'Am I balding?' 'How bad is it?' and 'What should I do?'
New Gladiator
Prediction: WCW is coming back
Why I believe WCW is coming back