Broken foot and ankle.
What’s the Best Movie Twist You Never Saw Coming?
What Is Up With The Snow White Remake And Its Negative Reception?
Which LA business did you have to "cancel" because they stopped aligning with your morals/values?
We’re such a backward society
"Do one thing every day that scares you." This wall ride is no longer on Henry Allen's list.
How rough do you like it?
Best online guide for how to solo EN06?
[PS4] H: Open to Offers W: Pounders Mod
Police engage a man with a chainsaw in a nursing home
R.I.P. Wings Hauser
‘Coco 2’ Set for 2029 Release From Disney and Pixar
Furious 7 (2015) - Crazy bus fight
are most poeple on grindr on drugs?
Congratulations, You'll Probably Never Be Allowed To Book A Commercial Flight Ever Again
Which horror movie had a 10/10 first act but it was all decline after that?
Is this a good price?
Netflix Director Arrested for $11 Million Fraud, Spent $2.4 million on five Rolls-Royces and one Ferrari
The Man From Earth (WTF?!)
Thoughts on East Hollywood
A subdivision of 14 luxury mansions abandoned after sinkholes began to form
Patient Tries to Fight Anesthesia
Bill Burr slams Israel’s ‘human shield’ argument in his new special, “if i’m mad at my neighbor, and I want to beat the shit out of him, but he’s holding a baby right, I wouldn’t come in and try to punch him through the baby”
Been really getting into Japanese cinema, incredible stuff. Any recommendations on where to go from here?