Oh, the pesky SCH…
TRAC and ABS lights
symptoms after embryo transfer
how do you find a boyfriend here?
“Oh you’re so young” rant
What resources did you use to get that classic elementary school teacher handwriting?
The public needs to know the ugly truth. Students are SIGNIFICANTLY behind.
Second parent adoption
Gay scene at UCSB?
This albino squirrel (?) that has a brown tail.
The only Pokemon I really wanted... And it shows up shiny, escapes 10 balls on red bar, and wipes my team. Ow
Why on earth does Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl not have cloud save support!?
Do you guys have any good date ideas at UCSB?
Best places to eat in IV?
Lesser of Two Evils
Endocrinologist in goleta/sb area?
DUI Checkpoint on Los Carneros
Experience with cat/pets at La Loma apartments
What comes with a dorm room? What do I NEED in my dorm to survive?
Best Philosophy Class at UCSB
It has finally settled in that I graduated. Here's one last meme for y'all.
Is there anything to do at UCSB in the summer?
Is IV Give happening this year?
Too many courses in the Summer?
I am one of the Isla Vista Boat Boys