Best Weight Lifting Shoes – Worth the Investment?
Form check, deadlift
Correct my deadlift form .. help
Squat Form Check 315x5
Form check Squat PR 100kg
Deadlift 265 1x5
260 lb Squat
Ultra 2
Separate day for chin-ups?
Is it ok to do cleans after squats?
515 Squat
Squatted 3 plates for the first time 😎
Regarding Light Squats and Deadlift
When is the best time of day to do strength training?
Messed up everything, need advice.
375 lb Squat PR
Block-Pull 161 kg/354 lbs
Deadlift form
Starting My Fitness Journey with Texas Method: A 15-Year-Old's Progress and Plan
135 Press is in the books!
15 lbs to 500!! DL 485 lbs
I discovered Rip's previous incarnation
Block Pull Form Check - 157.5 kg / 347 lbs
Squat form check - 137.5 kg / 303 lbs
Power Clean (65kg / 143lbs)