r/Residency, what’s your skin care regimen?
What are your favorite medical ‘maxims’?
To the plastic surgeon who sends patients to their PCP with a pre-op “clearance” form…
Frontpage says "It’s not till you work a retail job that you realize 85% of people are dumb as rocks." What have you realized about people since being involved directly in patient care?
Let me hear your best “dodging an admission” stories
What kind of people become psychiatrists?
The things patients say
Which specialty requires the least amount of thinking?
Idaho GOP rejects platform change allowing abortion to save person’s life.
I almost killed a patient
Everyone, retweet this. Embarrass Cigna! How dare they! Do it for ALL cancer survivors, not just the famous ones. Cancer survivors deserve quality of life!!!!
Hating on medical shows
Internal Medicine Residency Testing Basics?
Chalk talk ideas for interns
I’m so lax with physical exams now.
Normal distal appendix filled with worms.
What makes a standout clinician to you personally?
What did an attending do or catch that made you think "holy shit, this is why this guy is an attending"?
Unusual/unorthodox/untaught signs/symptoms that were pathognomic in your personal practice
What was it like pre-Roe v Wade?
My Carmel Dr William Husel Found NOT guilty on all counts
What are some tips or learning points for an EM doctor regarding your specialty?
Statement from Wake Forest saying the student who tweeted about the needle stick is on a leave of absence. Source (https://twitter.com/gregg_re/status/1509616106754949128?s=20&t=H3ITT0PjnWJzNTsfmrMFPA)
What was the worst thing that your co-resident or one you were mentoring did?
Favorite made up medical sign?