nb 21 - looking for nonbinary friends but it’s more complicated than that
Meds made me numb
what makes you feel that society is being unfair to your gender?
People who were broke, how did you make your fortune?
People who quit smoking what Made you stop?
What is the point of living when the person you love most doesn't want anything to do with you?
What’s your favorite place where you find peace or clarity?
If you could be best friends with any movie / tv / novel character, who would you choose and why?
What is one thing you don’t understand about people?
What’s your thoughts on feminine men?
what’s that crystal clear reality thing that everyone is denying?
People who workout, what made you start?
What is the definition of "cringe"?
What do you want right now ?
What is the cruelest thing you’ve seen someone say or do?
You’re scrolling here, what are you supposed to be doing right now?
What's an adult problem no one warned you about?
What’s something that we accept as normal today but will seem ridiculous in 100 years?
What food you would like to try that you haven't yet?
What is something that you were excited for that ended up being a complete letdown?
What was it like to live through the 70s?
People who identify as agnostic or otherwise - what’s the biggest thing about religion that bothers you?
should I get diagnosed
Ah yes, then rinse and repeat...
I don't think I am non-binary however...