Why oh why, racing heart on trying to nap?
Progesterone cycling. What is your schedule?
Don't let bed rot win (12 year bed rotter)
Freaking out! 37.5 effexor 25 zoloft bridge today.
Starting week 4 🤢
Diminished hunger signals
Back to autopilot? Hypervigilance
Insanely depressed (hrt?)
Pooping your pants
1 month 25mg, worse than before, do I continue on ?
Please share, painless tapers? I am on my way to dependance with chronic anxiety and Im afraid of the future.
Sleep hell. Early waking ruminating brain awake body dead tired.
zoloft + narcolepsy= ? • First weeks questions
Inner restlessness
Nap pill? I havent slept in 2 weeks
Forgot to change my patch yesterday and I got glorious sleep!
2.5 weeks in. I cant do it.
Continuous progesterone and PMS?
Progesterone and food. Increase sleep?
Does anyone else feel crazy?
Anyone want to decode my insomnia? What is causing it.
Wow, just started mirtazapine,
When will this hell end!
Ready to throw in the towel :/
Health Anxiety Destroyed My Life – Please Don’t Let It Happen to You