coaxed into music artist subreddit
songs that mention "girls and boys (and/or anything else)" in whatever order
Fuck your favourite songs, what songs do you absolutely despise to your core?
guess my age, gender & no. 1!
Songs that completely change during the duration of the song (genre, bpm, etc. not a transition to another song)
The Seven Stupid Sins
Fast as hell and under 2 minutes, a playlist for those with low attention span
Songs with car noises in them so I don’t keep fearing for imaginary cop cars on the road
Guess my top artist..
Guess whatever u want
Songs where the artist mention/reference another one of their songs
Songs where you think it ends but it actually doesn’t
Songs about hive minds
Songs sharing the same name as the band -Billy Gnosis
Songs where the title is answered by the band (or artist) name
Where are you from
Thoughts on People Soup?
Neil Update about how the new album is going and a possibility of a single.
This upsets me
i am sorry
What's a Lemon Demon song you thought you knew the meaning to but when you looked it up, it was completely different?
songs that spotify doesn’t have
Hey guys can some one tell me song from the album hip to the java beam (my echo dot can’t play the album)
I thought everyone did this
Good tv girl songs that aren't TikTok ones? (There are good but overrated)