So It Begins …
What is your favorite of the Anne Rice Vampire books?
Guys im barely making it😥
How do you guys feel about indoor only cats?
She puts nude liner beneath her waterline too for that extra pop. She’s glam af
a whole bunch of stones in my right tonsil lol
Is this stank butt a tortico
Are infusions as bad as people say?
Had a dream I married this girl and we had a daughter, I drew her, I miss my dream wife :(
What is their ethnicity? And where do they pass?
Laverne Cox: “Trans people are not the reason you can’t afford eggs or healthcare or a house. You’re focused on the wrong 1%.”
so . do i need to deep clean my house & cat? because this is a first for me 💀
Longhaired Tortico entering her 18th year around the sun. She’s young at heart. Say hi to my pride and joy Cinnamon. Swipe to see Cinnamon at all angles
What's the trauma you have that is seen as "worse" that actually traumatized you the least?
Bone in my vagina???
Worth buying a gold piece for a just-pierced bridge? I have a bit of a worry it’ll reject before I get a custom piece. Anyone with a bridge, I’d love advice.
Ten year old septum, 8 year old nostrils, 7 year old philtrum, and a 1 hour old bridge. All white opal setup with rose gold/rg titanium.
Let’s hear what you all have to say!
Post your most recent photo of your cat
What if we're living in a brain cell of another creature?
What food brand do you give your cat?
She poops on herself and walks around with an entire bowel movement on her butt fur. She’s also a million years old. Roast her
Is anyone over 21 and really into slime?
Was anyone else here an early talker?
Question about BVLA natural opals