Modern decks which don’t use fetchlands
Are these decks legit?
Uncut Sheet Prizes at SCG RCQ
How am I EVER going to make that 100M for the town hall??
Looking for Alien Movies
When I redeem via Treasure Realm, does it come with its boom?
9 Frost is too strong
My friend got a laptop and these are the specs, what kind of games he expect to be able to play?
The amount of players who aren't aware how C'Thun HP works is too damn high
Weird game. I just cant understand how to play the game. I keep getting scissors and Keep opening boxes but get nothing.
[Giveaway] 3x Drop + The Lord of the Rings Keyboards
Favorite flavor text
Victorious and Triumphant skins?
I got catfished
Is the Twin Lance worth the sacrifice?
Season pass clarification
Fntastic, developers of The Day Before, announcing that they're closing their studios today
TIL You can assemble the starbuzz carbine without the spinning ball bearing part if you wish.
Decided to try the annie build since it was completely uncontested, first and last time trying that.
Which laptop brand do you despise for it's poor costumer service?
What do collectibles do and are they worth it?
Fresh WoW players in SoD?
Yall wanted to see how bad it leans with the legs on , here it is
Hopefully it’s just a good deal and not a scam