Product recs for fine, high porosity hair?
Arin moved?
Anybody nursing right before bed without it being a problem?
What did your toddler eat for lunch today?
Cat getting an x-ray
Relief vet treats me like I'm dumb
Husband won’t let me nap when baby naps
Is the state of vet med that bad?
California teacher dies from rabies month after being bitten by bat in her classroom
How long do people breastfeed for?
baby's first blueberries 🫐
Logan was rejected by the Maine Coon subreddit. Somebody dumped him in the woods behind Penn State and he’s been living with me ever since.
Not everyone can fork out 300 for a Owlet sock
"You're not poor. You work full time."
Jobs for aging techs
Drug log
What abbreviation do you use
OBGYN that offers pain relief?
A selection of my 11 month old’s recent favourites
Has anyone stopped pumping at work but still nurses at home?
Tired of mindset about BF in Japan
When did you first truly realize you cannot judge a book by its cover in the emergency department?
Long hair vs. windy beach. When the picture turns out like this, who cares if I can’t see!
BLW without teeth?
Was the oatmeal even good if it doesn’t get in your hair?