i dont get if im an eie or an ese
1F vs 3F differences?
are you adventurous?
What does 4F-1 look like?
What is going on in Kill Me Love Me
do you prefer group interactions or 1-on-1?
what are the real differences between you guys and enfjs?
Are you nostalgic?
What is your MBTI type, and how do you feel when being called stupid?
are all ESFJs great at reading people and fitting in with people?
Is Taylor Swift an ESFJ?
How to delicately tell an ESFJ “no” when they’re telling you what you should do?
How do you use your Si?
Most common type for each enneagram
Do you have unhealthy ESFJ stereotypical traits, and what do you do to improve on them?
1F or 3F?
Can 1V ever be insecure or doubtful?
what’s the difference between so3, sx3 and so2 (naranjo)
2 or 3?
What's the difference between SO2 and SX3?
3F or 3L?
3V or 1V?
is it true that 3V makes every other placement feel insecure/ like a 3rd placement?
differences between so2, sx3 and so3?
how to know if sx3 or just insecure?