Why should someone study Qabalah?
Ma cactuszez
Is this cactus salvageable?
Currently obsessed with Astrophytum and variegated gymnos. Can't stop buying them 😭.
Could consuming animal supplements in lesser quantities be effective?
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DAE push the toilet paper up their butthole when wiping?
This is my ugly rescue cactus. I‘ve been told to throw him out. But…
Ear Ringing on Command
Just the tips part two
Wrinkly cactus - under-watered?
Are they rotten? Is there any harm in eating them?
Has anyone else encountered this?
slept for 16 hours
Cool dream book
Golfer regrets taking out his frustration on a sprinkler
Anyone else encountered this entity?
Unintentional Thought form
100 mg seroquel for 6 months how bad might w/d be c/turkey?
The Big Picture.
DAE with a penis choose to sit down to pee?
What Secrets Does the Vatican Keep Hidden in Its Forbidden Archives?
Is there a specific name for this type of ankle pick?
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What is the best Collagen supplement?
Is this the correct visualization for advanced focus 10?