After what’s been going on in New Zealand today I think there’s an obvious question someone needs to ask……….. what are the best toastie fillings and why? Hit me with your best, strangest , and most hated
People of the world, how much does your country suck?
What is broken in you?
How do you deal with your mother passing away?
Does anyone have advice for dealing with one of there parents dying? Much appreciated.
My mum died.
Do you believe in bad things happening in threes?
What is a good podcast to listen do while working?
I'm curious who from other countries have heard of New Zealand, and who knows where it is?
What food do other people love but you hate?
What is a weird food combo that only you eat?
People who sleep with their partners on the same bed, which side of bed do you sleep in and how did you both agree on it?
Who is your real-life hero?
What are other country's like
Living with partners family