In defence of Santos...
Golden Girl by Myelin
Non-medical viewers need to understand that Santos is a nightmare trainee
Finished reading my ARC of TIUTFFYE!
So many regrets, but there’s no turning back now!!
New fic! Hogwarts Era Lumione, Slytherin Hermione, slowwwwww burn
Can I block out the difference between 3.75mm and 4mm??
I crocheted a nuclear reactor core
Doubleknit keffiyeh scarf
Looking for a deleted fic from ao3 - teacher Hermione/student Tom
Short fic ft. honeytrapping Hermione, war-time hate sex, improper use of wandless magic
Blood & Gold theory 👀 m(spoilers!)
How do you use a star blanket?
My Other God Tier Fic: The Crumple Series by MissiAmphetamine Appreciation Post!
Blood and Gold Ch 57
Gryffindor Seeker Granger vs. Slytherin Seeker Malfoy
Blood and Gold Ch 56
The power of blocking!
Lumione Smut Prompt
Fic rec: Only To Burn Me With The Sun
The Quality of Mercy by ABitofWit
8th year AU, sports rivalry, Gryffindor Seeker Hermione
Praise for Lionheart!
Panville Recommendation
Which couple are you already tired of seeing in fanfics and which one would you like to see more of?