Entry To Engifest for DTU students.
These custom bouquets I recently made have my heart 😍❤️ What do you think?
I got an order from Reddit!♥️ custom made phone case!
Shipping issues
I recently made these for my crochet business. Need your views 🫶🏻
Scam business alert @creative_stitches18
Where can I find beads for jewellery making in Delhi in cheap
Is Ruined by Fiction a good seller?
Are any book boxes planning on Quicksilver?
Are there any authors you collect every SE of?
Beware ordering via swiggy
Help! Need bookish secret santa suggestions
Help! Bookish secret santa ideas
Looking for help to turn both of these dogs together as one pillow.
What book subscriptions are you subscribed to?
Book collector vs Book hoarder
My spredges collection!
Hey Book Lovers
English special editions I own
Hey book lovers
What is your style of collecting sprayed edges or special edition books?!
What a great idea for a community. Fellow spredge lover here. This is one of my favourites! Thanks for letting me share