Can i use 30k apothecary in my 40k army?
Warhammer Community silently dropped a new ork detachment in the balance update. sustained hit 2 on ork ranged infantry and walkers with keyword assault in waaagh
Mars 4 manual
What book is this from?
Iron Thorns is very annoying and very common at my locals, what does that deck struggle against?
My latest angel
Who is 'The Man in Yellow'? 🤔
What are the worst combat patrols, I’ll go first
Can anyone explain why a fusion core works for hundreds of years but only fuels power armor for 15min?
Can someone refuse to explain something to their opponent?
mixing ork clans between mobz?
First model of the year
Fork 'em over
How big is the ultramarines chapter in actuality
Sometimes, basic is good enough for me
Reading the Red Gobbo collection and suddenly I was in another sci-fi universe for a few seconds
Be as honest as possible
Tabbards / cloth for sternguard
I'd like to deeply thank GW for making Fem Custodes canon, simply because now my GF is making them her first army
Heavy intercessor
Gravis lad
Oi, Ladz - Wot were yer first kitbashes?
So we are getting TWO new detachments this December !?
I have been searching for custom bases like these for a while, can anybody help me please? (UK)