Osaka, Kansai EXPO 2025 (Expo2025 大阪・関西万博) and Myaku-Myaku (ミャクミャク)
Care to explain?
How popular is Sekai no Yamachan (世界の山ちゃん)?
Gullible characters
Do community organizations, groups, etc. ever come to Japanese schools to talk to students?
wuwa 2.1 in a nutshell
They told me I can't ______ at work anymore.
Spirits, I’m not feeling too good, what’s happening to me?
I thought they were boycotting this year…huh
Show me the best monster girl design in your gacha! Here's mine from Lost Sword
Did your high school have a swimming pool?
Spirits.. what’s the key to a woman’s heart?
Spell “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” backwards.
Spirits, what's your favorite TV show?
In 2025, I will no longer _____
What upcoming anime or new seasons are you hyped for in 2025?
My favorite Japanese word is "めんどくさい. "
Confirmed: Phoebe’s JP VA is Kaede Hondo
What are signs of an excellent speaker/orator (in Japanese)?
What card is Yugi talking about?
What is something a streamer did that made you stick around and keep watching?
Hey Ouija, what’s your favorite Pokemon
The UK government is going to cut all _______ people in half worldwide by 2025.
Where should I hide the body?
My favorite video game is Five Nights at ______’s.