First movies comes to mind when you see Joseph Gordon-Levitt?
What are your biggest "I wish it had"s in MGSV
May be cringey but Rachel Zegler....
90’s Groups Ranking
Salma Hayek is not a great actress. Who do you think gets a lot of recognition but their work is sub par?
Will you be looking forward to The Faculty reboot?
Gal Gadot vs Rachel Zegler
Hi to those who wear a mask, metaphorically speaking.
What's the most attractive character you've ever seen in a movie?
Lol. Forty-Four percent. Yikes. 🤣
First movie that comes to mind when you see this
What’s a popular movie franchise that you have no interest in?
Whats up with the "First movie what comes to mind..." spam?
Does PS4 Still Hold Up Graphically?
I Need a Movie That Will Break My Brain and Haunt Me for Days
Not to be a dick, but is anyone else tired of seeing Art on here?
Weird BBFC Rating
Observation during one of the first-ever superhero movies
Back to the Future 2 is Better than Part 1 👀👀 (don’t attack my opinion)
The acting from the kids in Jurassic Park during the T-Rex scene is so powerful. Those screams are bone-chilling.
Aaliyah -Try Again (Released 25 years ago today)
Anyone gonna see the Snow White remake?
Ghostbusters II
What are your thoughts on Scream 4 (2011)?
Is the horror comedy genre overkill as of recent?