There i said it
Why did they put me in this game
Cold Steel "canon" romance option feels wrong.
Space marines stole our detachment
My kitbashed pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Angels of Death Captain
Sorcerer Proxy help
Kitbashed exalted sorcerer
I am painting my own scheme for Kill Team
New tech
Is CS3/4 as easy as 1/2?
Best way to transport Manuals?
Could I just paint these blue and proxy them for 40K
You think Z pyro will be able to beat Android 19?
Progress! (And thanks!)
Why isn't Rufus being bars in CSIII
Just Finished Trails in the Sky SC…does it get better than this?
Question about Bonding Values Trails from Zero
VGA diagnostic light is on but nothing is wrong
VGA diagnostic light on but nothing seems wrong
Are you Team Saber or Team Gun?
[HELP ME] Bi-Weekly Q&A thread - Ask your questions here!
If you could only play one PSP game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Is being a rule lawyer actually a bad thing?
What’s the best system to run an X Files game?