What is the best answer to the comment “But English isn't even a national language”?
Subreddit about "Perception of Healthcare"
What is the saddest truth about life?
What is something you tried once but will most likely never do again?
If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and why?
Should I enlist for the army as a woman?
To celebrate the launch of my DnD Orc & Goblin sourcebook on Kickstarter, I’m giving away a handmade crystal shaped dice set of the dice! All you need to do is comment on the post to enter. [OC]
What's the most you spent on a single D&D item?
DMs, go ahead, tell me the biggest twist of your campaign you're just dying to tell anyone but can't for any reason
Made a wizard academy for our next D&D session
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been told not to do because it’s “Gay” ?
What happened after you had sex with your best friend?
It must really suck for young wizards from Scotland to have to travel to London and then back to Hogwarts, located in Scotland
My icon for this subreddit
Undead Monsters reached Gold Best Seller!
Is this a good first map?
Adventure + STL Giveaway! We’re giving away our complete 💀Legion of Steel💀 collection, a playtested 5e adventure + 30 STL miniatures worth $60, for free. Just comment in the next 48 hours to win.[Full rules in the comments] [OC] [ART]
Work in progress - feedback appreciated!
I peaked with this map
First Map. Making it for one on one DnD with my wife. Very rough draft. Haven't named everything yet. Would love any advice or suggestions! Thanks! :)
I am giving away a bunch of D&D loot to one lucky winner in the comments! Around $250 in total value. Worldwide Giveaway [MOD APPROVED] Check out the video and the comments for more details and the rules. Sponsored by Game Master Engine [OC]
Guess Four Musicians and guess why I picked them
if you could get the answers to one historical mystery, such as the identity of Jack the Ripper or the fate of the Roanoke Colony, which would you choose?
Guess the fictional characters whose names start with B
Going Back to Switzerland