Liczba dni od kiedy konfiarz ostatnio zniszczył cudzą własność: 0
no fucking way 💀 cc creators are really out of control
Kolegowie jaki jest wasz ulubiony smak?
Where I live...
I can't believe in 2025 this game continues to be the biggest nightmare of my laptop
Same girl. I love reading the front cover flap of a book ☺️
Kolegowie, byłbym dobrym kasejerem?
Is there any substitute for Pinterest except Pearltrees?
Koledzy co wybieracie??
Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome. The site of Pompey's theatre, it was here that the Roman Senate was holding its sessions at the Ides of March in 44 BC, when Julius Caesar was assassinated.
How many ice cream trucks does one town need?
We listen, we don't judge, The Sims edition
How can I fix this?
New dog
Jeśli wybierzecie mnie na przewodniczącego klasy, to gwarantuje wam nie dwa, ale TRZY nieprzygotowania na semestr!
Why won't 3D chracters appear in ?!!
Is it possible to learn Japanese if I don't like anime?
Why do they look like they could be related? Is Laguarde Regina's long-lost mother?
No ciekawe dlaczego na swoich wiecach Mentzen wygłasza wykuty na pamięć tekst zamiast odpowiadać na pytania
Kolegowie jest misja
I have a costume party tonight and I'm going as gumshoe so I printed those to give them out to people
Do you choose worlds based on where you live or something completely different?
Aliyah is such a beauty.
They are so in love