Chinese Vertical Dramas "Opportunities"
Something is wrong with my daughter, doctor thinks it’s normal
Eating like crazy after stopping
Would you audition and act in a bad student film if you were asked?
I’m tired of the blatant and accepted mysoginy of this industry
How are you ladies managing "fibroid bladder"?
Need affirmation
Can I go from being fit and “hot “ to having an average body
Social crisis
how do I deal with the constant thought of gaining weight on my mind?
One audition a month. Is it bad for everyone else or just me?
Completed treatment and bottom front teeth are still crooked. This is with me wearing my retainer all day…
Need advice on concerning medication recommendation from psychiatrist. TW: weight loss drugs.
fucking gained rapidly
What Made You Decide On Surgery?
does any one else lack motivation really bad
Strange substance on my coat
If anything, what's the worst thing you have lost due to OCD?
Shout out to Dr. Bastian’s office
Well I had just gotten the courage to get back on Wellbutrin
what do i even do to cope with this
Life was so different deep in my ed
I’m 36 , go easy on me
I hate student films so damn much.