MMW this won’t sustain!
Area above shower
What if it’s all three?
Standards should start at the top!
Diversity was the cause? 🙄
This is how billionaires try to buy Senators!
Message from two failing airheads !
Firing people does not enhance government efficiency!
At least we know who he works for! Puppet for Big Insurance companies!
What a vindictive loser!
Deranged Syndrome indeed! Embarrassing!
Racial profiling indeed!
Getting out of control!
But we we are interested in buying Greenland🙄
Stupid comes in many forms!
At least we now know who is Mel’s dad🙄
100 years?
California will always be BLUE !
The collection list is increasing !
Idk, a normal one?
Jared Kushner must be the deal maker again🙄
That is all we needed! 😳
In case you didn’t hear about the news from your friend ! Ohio does not need a DEI governor!
And convicted felons can become presidents🙄
Cry baby 👶