What are some of the funniest songs you know?
Which movie have you seen the most times?
I cant anymore
what KIND of people can you not be friends with?
What song is like this to you?
What TV show do you turn on for background noise that brings you comfort?
What are your auras? I’ve was diagnosed this year. I’ve had 3 seizures in my sleep, so I have no idea what -if anything- I should be looking for. Thank you!
Reccomend me the saddest, most depressing song you have
Have you guys noticed an uptick in people “faking seizures”
What would you do if you had $50 million today?
Tell me some songs that make you laugh. Not ironically, but genuine laughter.
What’s a movie you watched as a kid that traumatized you?
Looking for the most annoying songs
Which movie has almost everything in it?
Which underrated comedy film always makes you laugh but no one knows about?
What song scared you as a kid?
Sopranos, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Ozark - what's missing from this list?
Which one of these should I watch?
What song would you play at the end of the world?
Song you played at least three times today?
What video game will always be special to you, no matter how many years go by?
What weird food did you eat as a kid and still enjoy as an adult?
What's a movie you watched that was so scary it traumatized you
What song do you believe is the “perfect” song (One choice only)
Which song emotionally destroys you? ( in need of a good sob)