A face I'd never dreamt of seeing again... (DT7 spoilers)
What 👑 novel is this
And so, the final part of my journey begins
I've gone Todash.
The White Commands You!
End of Song of Susannah
In the Eye of the Dragon...
“M-O-O-N spells moon”
Stalking the Atomic City
「未来のことを言うと鬼が笑う」I just learned this idiom and I like it a lot. Just that. Explanation down below:
Quote of the Day
Feels like this past week I can't open reddit with out seeing atleast one
When are these stupid fancasts going to end.
Just how old is Roland supposed to be?
Favourite of the Main 4?
TOWER JUNKIES!! Can't Decide What To Dive Into Next....Have You Read These? LMK Your Recommendations In The Comments! I Say Thankya
What was the first Stephen King book that got you hooked?
Can I just read the related books afterwards?
Learn to fear again!
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end of w&g (spoilers)
Wizard & Glass, Part III. X. 5
The Dark Tower. Elements (Heech)
How's "The Institute"?