Is it worth renting a car if I want to spend a day hiking?
Running Tracks in Old City
Not everyone is a fan of The Wizard of Oz
What is this called…
The other 31 GM’s when they see a 215 number during Howie season
For over 30 years, Garfield novelty landline phones have been continuously washing up upon a 15-mile stretch of a beach in France 🇫🇷
Anybody know this guy ?
To admit to your mistakes
Neds Atomic Dustbin-Intact (NYC Halloween 1992)
Caption this
So like, am I the problem? Cause how are any of you surviving financially?
Gatorade gum
Anyone drink A-Treat soda as a kid? I can almost taste this picture
Cooper and Quinyon and every Eagles fan realizing we’re going back to the Super Bowl
Punxsutawney Phil & his ancestors have an accuracy rate of 39% going back to 1887.
Less than a year ago, someone else who was doubted got it done for redemption in Philly. Finish the Story, Jalen
Identical triplet brothers, who were separated and adopted at birth, only learned of each other’s existence when 2 of the brothers met while attending the same college
A high school chemistry book from Sri Lanka that features Jesse Pinkman on the cover
Paul Rudd and Wilfred Brimley at the age of 52
The color pattern of an ornate spiny lobster
Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse (been jamming this one a lot)
Lotta Years: Live from the Hill(2016)
Eat mor chikin!
Daylight - Live from the Potrero Del Sol skatepark SF (2011)
Hail Mary Mallon - Smock (Live from a burgundy Camry)