Can i use 30k apothecary in my 40k army?
Is there any mini painters that do a good job painting special effects?
Artillery team points change?
The problem with Legends: Transparency and Consistency
Legends is an ass-backwards way to manage a tabletop game system.
C&C wanted for the armour please.
How would you guys use these guys?
Damned Legionnaires
Question about Inquisitors leading units from other armies.
Heroes of Exandria pull rates available?
Banned books in US
Let me cook for a min
Is this built correctly? (Loadout in body)
Measuring distance from hover aircraft
What is one thing you would change about the current rules/units?
Gift giving when you know absolutely nothing by about the game IS SO HARD
Facedowns and Overhaul
Speedruns that are interesting from a Computer Science perspective?
Waylay and Momentum
Beyond Eisenhorn… what books are there?
Dumb question g
Passive effects question
Space Marine in Guardsmen Army?
What controversial opinion do you have that gets you this reaction from other AnCaps?
Rubric Marines have lost their flavor in the index