TIFU: Is my professor doing too much? (I got a zero)
What was I thinking???
What was I thinking lol
How do people fall asleep with nothing?
What’s a product that used to be high-end but is now cheap and everywhere?
What’s a harmless lie that you tell people all the time?
What are people’s thoughts on Primerica?
What’s a scam that’s so normalized people don’t even realize it’s a scam?
What is the better business major?
Empty water bottles?
Anyone going solo looking for someone to go with?
Should I take a job with less pay and worse hours?
Easiest Italy of my life
What’s a belief you used to have that you’ve completely changed your mind about?
Why the location change? Genuinely wondering
Just graduating from Carleton - What do I do now? People's Genuine Interests
Are traditional life milestones (marriage, homeownership, having kids) becoming obsolete?
Have you ever stumbled into a local rule or quirk in Europe that caught you by surprise?
San Pedro Excursion Help
Anyone know anything about Habitat Belize homes being offered by Secret Beach?
Night time transportation options
We started a YouTube channel on building a home in Belize
Travel ? To San Pedro
Help, this is tragic. What can I do to strengthen my social skills?
Why is the instinct when we drop something so intense?