I hope they fix the Varwolf's design.
Does anyone know why
C'mon man wtf are you gonna steal?
simple hacks to make your game run smoothly
are mods like this even possible?
zombies like ice skating too :)
I think that there might be something wrong with my todler
Me w the lighting on S3 & 4
Peter Ottomas puppies
Um what the heck is this 🤨
I can't believe in 2025 this game continues to be the biggest nightmare of my laptop
What things did you use to think that were part of the gameplay when you were younger that actually aren’t?
How Did This Wild Horse Get into My House??
“this room doesn’t have enough natural light” me:
I wish it was possible to do in the Sims 3
Sims can't navigate through and in/out of the house
What can I delete lol. Idk how to navigate files
Goodfeather down
How many tiles is this mountain cabin in length and width?
I love the weird stuff the sims do (burglary)
Dropping Everyday a Random Sims 2 Fact for 365 Days! Day 331 - Dogs enjoying Car Rides
Dropping Everyday a Random Sims 2 Fact for 365 Days! Day 327 - Robot running Amok!
creepy portrait of my legacy family matriarch
Horses be like...