After a dry spell, I woke up with seven claims! None were super exciting but it’s still a thrill to get some claims after so long 😅
Transitional medicaid missouri
Advice! What should I do?!
My random claim
Food on amazon
Love Letter Giveaway (U.S. only) Please read caption for rules!
Holy crap will someone please hire me?
Pls help I'm worried about my 19 yo cat!
Need advice- 19 yo cat
Hear me out....
Metformin Stories
DSG release
Coffee mate cold foam (11/12 claim) disappeared from my programs
Walmart Beauty Box Winter 2024/2025
Race/Rage Bait
Which sister’s wedding dress is your favorite?
I have 4 Packages arriving today and I’m out of state. Serious fomo!
What's a dream scent of yours that doesn't yet exist? 👀
It's a birthday for my Heart Child .She passed May 31, 2o24.Today is her birthday. She would have been 16. She fought so hard.
Lucy has passed today with multiple complications. She went gently. 14 years.
Can I do cardio now that I’m on Semiglutide?
My best friend crossed the rainbow bridge today
Leo got diagnosed a week ago, and it's unlikely he will even make it another week. Vets suggest to "stop his torture". Is there absolutely any hope?
I adopted a senior kitty in honor of Fitz today. Already Milo is spending time with her.
What song really set your grief in?