Certificate Apocalypse: Bringing Your Chromecast Back from the Dead
My Chromecasts Audio stopedd working today, what's going on ?
Google is currently working on a fix for the Chromecast issue
bug fix
Breaking the Rules: RPC pattern with Kafka & Karafka
Shoryuken Needs a New Home - Open source dilemma.
The Silent Guardian: Why Bundler Checksums Are a Game-Changer for Your Applications
Sidekiq with Kafka
How to handle a lot of jobs in rails?
Anyone using Ractors in any serious way yet?
Under the Hood: Enhancing Karafka’s CPU and Memory Efficiency - Discover how recent optimizations in Karafka enhance CPU and memory efficiency, boosting performance with faster execution and reduced memory usage.
The librdkafka Supply Chain Breakdown: rdkafka-ruby’s Darkest Hour
Ruby’s potential
Does ruby 3.3 have an implicit mutex synchronization?
Connecting to AWS MSK from rails application
Karafka 2.4 Release Announcement: Advancing Kafka Processing for Ruby and Rails
The Implications of Crypto Rewards on RubyGems.org
From Oniguruma to POSIX: The Regex Rift Between Ruby and C
How do you guys consume message from Kafka?
The Art of Forking: Unlocking Scalability in Ruby
Karafka Framework 2.3 + Web UI 0.8 Announcement + Features Blog Post
SolidQueue Released!
Shaping the Future of Ruby and Kafka Together with rdkafka-ruby and Karafka