Welke groep 8 musical hadden jullie en welke rol hadden jullie daar in?
People who give job interviews, what are some subtle red flags that say "this person won't be a good hire"?
Mag mijn werkgever mij verplichten mee te doen aan een team activiteit?
Tips voor vulploegmedewerker
How long did it take you from trying to getting your first lucid dream?
My mother’s reaction to the end of season 1
It must be weird to die in your sleep
Who do you think had the worst hair/wig in Season 1?
Wat is de slechtste nederlandse (overheids-)applicatie?
Meisje (4) vergeten in de bus na schoolreisje: 'Ze is over het hoofd gezien'
How difficult is it to learn the guitar? [QUESTION]
Welk tosti apparaat raden jullie aan?
Best pizzas from supermarket?
Preview of Vermithor from the new house of the dragon book. How do we feel about all older dragons having saggy necks?
De Dolle Donderdagdraad! Wat zijn jouw goede voornemens?
What are they talking about? Wrong answers only.
I Call This Model "Friday Afternoon"
Wat is voor jou echt een dealbreaker geweest in een (beginnende) relatie?
Is a dream journal truly necessary?
[Spoilers Extended] What is an example of bad writing by george during the dance of the dragons?
(Spoilers Extended) House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 10 Post-Episode Discussion
This scene is going to exceed my imagination, she looks massive.
[Q&A] - 3 Years Civil Engineer from The Netherlands