First 10 Ironbreakers finished
Are the Escrow Brokers included in the server transfer?
Estoy cansado de la polarización que tenemos y no sé cómo lidiar emocionalmente con esto
Bowden tube too stiff blocks the filament from advancing (Ender3 V1)
Creo que estoy empezando una crisis de los 30 y siento que es una llamada al cambio
Cómo sacarle el mejor partido a un doctorado en LLM
How can I make the best of a PhD in LLM to return to industry?
Opinions/Feedback on my cursive?
How much is expected of me as a PhD student?
First Irondrake complete! 19 more to go!!!! Comments and feedback appreciated!
What is the current meta / how are Ogors usually played now?
Roughly 3 weeks ago I decided to start an Ironjawz army, one model a day. Today marks the 35% mark, and the completion of the spearhead!
New bag ideas
A little forge of my very own
Pelis de la Reconquista?
Best WW2 Movie?
Those who never dated in their 20s but started in their 30s, what changed for you to do that?
Got an LLM Researcher/Developer at my local university, how should I proceed later on so that I don't get swallowed in the academia world?
Para aquellos que han vivido o viven en Eslovenia, ¿Qué tal os parece?¿Qué pros/contras le veis?
La mejor gastronomía
Dwarfs armies start battles randomly very tired
Ella te analiza
How is life in Ingolstadt, Germany?
Always been my dream to have a study/library space. Finally finished.
How practical would shieldbearers or the thronebearers be in real life?