A swastika keyed onto a WankPanzer at Colorado Mills Mall in Lakewood
An honest question about the mobile game
The wedding video has exceeded 41M views 😮
From r/absoluteunits
Trying to feel hope
What is this shit!
Can anyone explain why everyone here hates ZA/UM?
Who do you play when you just want to have fun
Disco Elysium is being "reimagined" for mobile devices to "captivate the TikTok user"
what's the absolute worst plot twist you've seen in a video game?
Britain is world’s biggest ‘warmonger’, says Russia
Kinda a weird one, but has anyone else gotten some relief through eating spicy cheetos??
Please explain Peter, I don't know anything about Pokiman
Rogu is really growing on me and is more hilarious every time I see him!
Stan was terrible to Hayley when Jeff got lost in Space.
Tip for fellow vangaurds: lock in as dps so someone else feels obligated to be vangaurd then switch as soon as the match starts.
Perfect series like a dragon.
Outside characters that would be fine or do well in the 40k setting
Hopetown’s ‘from the team that brought you Disco Elysium’ pitch is a bit fuzzy.
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only mental gymnastics.
S1E6 "Enchanted Forest" has fallen! The Top 3 episodes have been selected! Vote for your least favorite episode remaining.
Why do my highest ranks keep dropping after going through a level again?
In Apocalypse Now (1979), the opening scene in which Martin Sheen has a drunken breakdown and trashes his hotel room was not scripted, Coppola saw it just kept filming... Wait, this is real? That's what really happened?!