What music do y’all listen to out on the route ?
I saw it so you have to too
Fran Goldsmith hatred: Book vs. Audiobook
Just noticed these two comments under a pic on Allen’s Instagram… Madison’s mom? 🫢
Why don’t tattoo places just euthanize their clients
Finished Dark Tower Series now I’m depressed
What matters most when you're shopping for Puzzles?
Is it worth coming to USPS from being an Amazon DSP driver?
Why are these women obsessed with horses? The poor creatures 😂
About 70% through the stand. Two takeaways so far
People who adopted from a shelter, what made you choose that cat?
Alison Bailey. Like what ?
Are you guys only allowed to get gas on weds and sat?
Warning from the PM
What Stephen King books have you decided to never read??
Who is this? Wrong answers only.
Check Your Bank Account!
What to do if finishing routes to early?
Apparently Joey and Sara could've been dating for almost a year but are trying to 'keep it under wraps'
This sub is one of the most positive subs I frequent on this site, and I love it for that, but let’s knock the tone down a notch for a moment. What’s your least favourite King story that you actually finished?
Just started my 401k is it worth keeping? After the past month I feel like this might be a waste.
💃🏼🕺🏼this outfitwith the flowy top, three beads necklaces and beige suede boots.
How many of you have college degrees?
Contract Arbitration starts next week
No better pic in the world better to describe the personality difference between these 2 cats