No chemistry/romantic connection - whats wrong with me?
This is for all the men who are going through a hard time right now..
Why do men have the audacity to ruin your peace?
Netflix brightness flickering issue after March update.
How to feel like I haven’t wasted too much time in life
How much attention should we give as a men
Am I wrong for lying about it feeling good ?
What profession would you never date?
Question for women- If a guy is wealthy but has a terrible personality does that still make him undesirable?
Describe your ideal partner in 10 adjectives
“I just didn’t feel the chemistry”
What is the biggest problem you see with men and women who are over 30 and dating?
Do you usually make the first move on a guy you're interested in, or do you wait for them to talk to you?
women over 30, what did you learn from your 20s that you wish you learned earlier?
If you really like someone, would you still date around?
Rich girl
Dating in general is wrong, here’s why
Being called leftovers
Why do women experience more limerence than men?
How do you date without using dating apps?
Are there any ways to survive and get better after being constantly tortured and manipulated by a borderline girl and while still keeping contact?
I was loved bombed and now I’m broken
Whats the difference between someone showing too much selfishness and actual narcissism?
Dating Advice
Question for women - how would you like to be "chased"?