To race or not to race
First Ultra in April (50k) – Training plan & balancing with skiing?
How much do YC founders pay themselves?
LangFlow to production
Cannot break 1:30 half - what am I doing wrong?
"Adaptive" Training Plans: Hype vs. Reality – What's your take?
85% of injured runners keep running: what's your experience?
The Weekly Training Thread
How to go from zero to Spartan
Defining heart rate zones
Highest strain I've ever seen
Looking for beta-testers for a holistic fitness application
If you could go back to when you first started training what advice would you give yourself?
Looking for ski buddies in Hokkaido
Can't seem to improve in pullups
Can do 20 chin-ups at 90kg and no where near able to do a one arm chin up, not even close.
Beginner Calisthenics
Pull up problems
Running Bucket List (No Races)
Need some tips for my pull ups, they feel weird and I can't seem to fix them
The stacking of these fees are completely ridiculous. Charge me for merch discount, admin fee, management fee, AND processing fee???
Any good rings routines out there ?
Any good rings workouts out there ?