Just a PSA - do not try those pre pregnancy jeans on
Women Of One Chicago
ECTOPIC pregnancy that was ignored - almost died
For those who were induced - when did you request an epidural?
Worst part of postpartum for you?
Sleeping sucks
Thongs!! When did you wear again??
Splitting the night shift
Co-ed baby showers
Newborn Screams During Every Diaper and Outfit Change.What Are We Doing Wrong?
When did your hands go back to normal?
Anyone else catch that deleted video?
Baby Shower Thank Yous- card or small party favor?
What’s the one thing you swear helped increase your milk supply!!? -Signed, a struggling under producer
What did you do to turn your sunny side up baby?
What to bring to the hospital!
Oh my…
How do you attach the haakaa while nursing?
Birth plan ideas?
Baby vomit/spit up.
Why pumping?
Have you gotten your newborns SS#
Nipple pain!!!!
A baby Brezza being $200 is wild 🤣
How important is prepping freezer meals before giving birth?