[I ate] Korean Fried Chicken
how does one find these private landlords you speak so highly of
By far the most fun and best game I've had yet, Hedgefund Cypher 113 gold at krugs
Heinous Anti-Abortion sign
Well sometimes reapping works out
Whats the best way to get this clean without ruining the leather etc
Over 3 months since this game has released, that's about a quarter of a year. What are your thoughts on how the game's going so far?
Any comic book related skins you are hoping for? Also should there be Alternate icons for Lord with skins?
I know you guys want Carnage or Cyclops or whatever. But what unlikely C-tier hero would yall actually be hyped for if they were teased in the game?
The Thing is extremely useless if your team refuses to push up with you
Almost CELESTIAL with JEFF ONLY all solo queuing, target banned multiple times already.
How did this namor get less points than me while being mvp ?
To all the leavers and quitters: there’s nowhere left to hide 😈
Mid-Season Rank Reset
Who could be the avatar?
Grandmaster is without a doubt elo hell
Well I managed to hit Celest 3 with the Thing
Who do you want added to the game?
So I got my 3rd lord today , cloak and dagger. How many lords y’all got ?
Why does everyone say they’re in grandmaster
its marvel rivlas tracker by gg tracker also bannable?
Former OW Players, Who Were Your Mains Before Rivals (& Mains in Rivals?)
Going to the store to buy stuff for dinner only to find out you had some at home... one of these days I'll remember
Someone drew my sableye tattoo on their survey card
Please help my living room feels so cramped.