First Meal in 50 Days! (40 Day Water Fast + 10 Day Bone Broth and Juice Fast)
-90lbs. 6 months sobes.
30-40 day water fast
40 Day Water Fast Complete! (300.4 lbs to 243.2 lbs)
When Did Electrolytes Become a Thing?
40 days starting today!
116 pounds down
Progress makes perfect!
How do you not pass out/ faint from fasting for days, and especially, weeks at a time? I’m so confused how this process works.
37 days and 17 hours, I’m breaking my fast.
Almost there 36/40
Day 20 of 40 day Water Fast
How to break 100 hours fasted. (Down 85 lbs)
First Week Option Trading Successful!21 | I’ve started my journey to manage my finances better and make gains outside my job. I understand this is my much compared to others but I’m content with my play last week. Nothing big but slowly building up my account to make even more profitable plays.
No u/deepfuckingvalue post today?
GME YOLO update — Feb 2 2021
Paper hands caused me not to be a millionaire...
Im a fucking idiot for not keeping these. 100 shares at $38.95
Can we get the energy up for Alex Karp? (Long PLTR) (DD inspo)
I paper handed 1000 shares of GME at $25 a share. Roast me.
Virgins sell, chads average down. GME 🚀🌚
Where my GME bag holders at?
GME Survey 2 Update: Diamond Hands
Just reminding everyone that i’m a trade god and tried to tell you guys about a RAD squeeze before it happened