What is a red flag that is way too common in dating?
What’s a better phrase than “I’m cumming”?
Star Wars: Who should’ve gotten more screen time?
Americans: what do you think of Obama?
How can Trump follow the fascist playbook to a T, down to saying things like, the media is "truly the enemy of the people", yet his base does not see the connection?
What is it about women that still mystifies you?
You tell a joke to a group of friends and acquaintances. No one reacts. What do you do?
Which women are hotter NYC women or women from Californian cities?
What video game would you play for the first time again?
Guys of reddit, have you faked orgasms before ?
[TOMT] [ANIME] [2000’s] the anime similar to Tokyo Ghoul expect the protagonist is female and she’s the only one with similar powers as kaneki
Why do the people in subreddits like r/whitepeopletwitter, etc, claim to discourage racism, yet always seem to support posts and comments that don’t look past the color of people’s skin?
Which muscle group in men is the most attractive one?
Why do people pay ridiculous amounts of money to watch only fans and cam girls, when porn is literally free?
What is Samuel Jackson’s most quotable quote?
What are your thoughts when people say “that’s so gay”?
What do you dislike most about anime?
What does it take to be considered a man?
Why do you think we always hear about extremism on the right but not the left?
What are your opinions on gun ownership?
What’s a good response to “no one asked for ur opinion” ?
If a man told you that his name was John Smith, would you believe him?
Perhaps a wave based mode in the future?
Why do black people keep living in the U.S. ?
Could you live without sex?