How long would it take to travel this entire train route?
Who names their child blue
Best Starting Campaign?
Explain this Ireland
I feel like iam disgusting (im the white
I wish I saw this in game. King Stockfish showed me a beautiful finish I didn't see at all. Black to play.
Volt Europe launched the petition for the creation of United States of Europe
My local journal has made a little oopsie
[Sondage Léger] Tarifs douaniers de Donald Trump: la réplique de Justin Trudeau plus populaire que celle de François Legault, selon un sondage
would you have the strength to do it?
Ser joven en 2025
Hans Niemann Offers Bounties for 2700+ Players in 'Hans Against the World Tour'
Is there a way for a resident of Uelen to immigrate to the US?
essere vecchi non è una scusa per essere razzisti
Facts 💯
What would be the prime colonization locations on Mars and why?
the real difference between witches and wizards
My city (Nancy, France) had the great idea of installing outdoor chess sets, fixed in place. They had one job...
Brecha de género en el empleo en la Unión Europea
Pregunta de la setmana: Quines expressions o frases fetes us semblen més curioses o divertides en català?
How many Socialists stand for a united Europe?
Got called a cheater for this
Just a thought...
Can someone remove the hearts from my sister’s face so she can use this for work? Will tip
Potential U.S. Peace Plan for Ukraine
Skip Bayless was a PROBLEM