Bree & Brian Fraser
is this a legit website? ( i really need a peanut for christmas but this seems to good to be true.
Some Christmas cheer
Is there anywhere to watch season 7b in Canada?
My first Milsbo greenhouse
Is this an epoxy finish? Can I sand it?
Really? Is this a typo in the first paragraph of Go Tell the Bees?
walmart $24 yes or no????
The rug really tied the room together, man. 🌹☠️⚡️ Seattle
Terrariums for sale at Costco
What kind of bug is this? Should I move it off the plant?
Found on Facebook marketplace, obsessed but it’s a decent drive. Seller hasn’t responded. Opinions on price? How easy is it to find at a local store?
My first try at a terrarium! I hope its not too crowded. Some of these will outgrow this pretty quickly so I’m prepared to take them out when that day comes. But in the meantime it’s a gorgeous little prop box. I’m really happy how it turned out 😁
I completed my first yesterday. Ikea mini greenhouse.
My newest addition. Tag says it's a 'Croton' & likes bright indirect light. Anything else I should know about this plant?
How do I not screw this up? This is my first orchid and I’ve had for almost a year. Looks like it’s reblooming from last years flower spike. How can I make sure the flowers make it?
Why Do People Here Still Shop at Save On Foods?
Hi all, any recommendations on where i can get some really good chocolate chip cookies? The chewy type, not the hard biscuit type 🙈. I've been on the hunt for years now, and i'm still looking !! Thank you!
Finally got a global pothos! I’m so happy!
Found under my porch in Maryland. Started blooming 2 weeks ago. Can anyone help identify it for me?
Should I prune it? If so how?!
Elementary Public vs Private School
Are these ready to be planted?
what cactus is this?