WIBTAH if i got a vibrator?
Regaining smell after a bad tooth was extracted
“Engine Power Reduced” 2018 Malibu
My unhinged ex-friend booked the same flight as me to “join” me on my solo trip
Vitamin D3?
Smell returned?
Second attempt 😋
Honest Feedback Wanted
I’m failing at sour dough
First time baker!
Accidentally left this one in the fridge for ~48 hours! Holiday season hustle.
How long can I leave my starter on the counter?
Best diet for nasal polyps?
How to treat nasal polyps without steroids
Pain after endoscopy/biopsies
Just left upper EGD procedure
Risks of EGD and Biopsy Risks
What should I do about a suspected polyp fall down throat back of mouth ?
Nasal endoscopy
Anyone got issues swallowing?
Turns out it wasn't GERD
Pain that wraps front to back (under ribs)