Have they given up on their servers?
Note to self, do not throw blood grenade at terrorists on accident
just some pics I've taken with actual effort
Don't need PSN on my Vita 😎
Decided to ditch my Series X
Compensations for the long wait?
Anyone else getting one?
Won’t let me back in because of “maintenance”
I am getting PTSD from 2011 cus from what I remember What's happening right now isn't so different than what it was in 2011
Are our debit/credit cards in danger?
Great timing, cheers PlayStation
What do i need for full potential?
Current PSN issue/maintenence
Settings reset every launch (pc version)
Im bout done with this games bs
Is skill based damage actually a thing?
Did level reset with start of BO6?
Anyone else get a massive FPS drop compared to MWIII?
Considerate BT isnt very considerate
Is anyone playing on PS5?
playing on steam with gamepass
Team balance glitch
Wait! Can you see?
They own the world
I was trying out wrecking ball and found this bug