Docu Series Second Thoughts
Why can’t JO’s death certificate be amended ?
Riddle me this
Commonwealth's Witness List
Ronnie the juror
Defendants Motion to Reconsider the Ruling on Allowing Crosby
Name suggestions?
Federal court won't intervene in Karen Read's murder case: Read the ruling
“Any of us could be Karen Read!”
Hollywood Reporter Review of Docuseries
Link to post containing docs/links from today’s filings.
FKR accidentally proves the CW right about the taillight
An open letter to content creators (credit to @TruthOverBias on X)
Possible car data - one user’s view
Karen Read: More contradictions in Docuseries
For those who think KR is guilty. How many have watched the entirety of the first trial?
Holy Sh@#
Great Opening Statement by AnonyMassLawyer... this case boils down to 2-minutes
Pretrial Review: Updated Timeline of Events on Jan 29, 2022: Date of John O'Keefe's Death
Consciousness of Guilt
Mark Bederow has been denied!
Happy with the Culture of this Community
Dismissed juror speaks to the press
Local Woman Complains about Flyer Mailed to her Home
Prosecutor says federal investigation into Karen Read case is closed